Move Coin vs FA

Over the past few months there have been a few requests around launching Move token on our network as an FA rather than COIN and adopting FA as the default for all tokens.

We would like to gather feedback from the community on this topic once more. As of now we have confirmed the following:

  • Move to launch as a COIN on Mainnet
  • Recommendation for all projects to launch their tokens as FA instead of COIN.

The floor is open, we would love to understand any thoughts for or against this.


It should be in both coin/fa, like the aptos coin is

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There is no reason to use legacy COIN standard.
Aptos projects are already migrating to FA and looks like its already default standard for tokens.


I prefer the Aptos FA standard ahead of the coin module. I have used the coin modules before it was deprecated. The FA was easier for me


Cross post from twitter:

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I support FA only. The gymnastics required to wrap and unwrap an asset if both Coin and FA are supported are just not UX-friendly.
it is also easier to type: 0x1e74c3312b1a7a08eb7cf61310787597ea6609d6d99ce86c0e48399144ea4ce9 than to type 0x275f508689de8756169d1ee02d889c777de1cebda3a7bbcce63ba8a27c563c6f::tokens::USDC

Imagine trying to buy a token in real time and your phone auto-correct messes things up because what is USDC when it should be USED.

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FA better, it’s easier to type lol