How to install Movement CLI on Ubuntu 22.04?

Hello everyone
I hope you are doing well in New Year.
I got error while installing movement CLI.
This is error image.

And my PC’s detail info is the following;
:heavy_check_mark:OS: ubuntu22.04
:heavy_check_mark:rustc 1.78.0
:heavy_check_mark:rustup 1.27.1
Is there anyone who can help me?
My discord ID is “0xnto.” and telegram ID is pattboydev.
Please feel free to reach out me if you could help me.
Thanks for your time and consideration.

Did you run an update and upgrade for your machine before the installation

Most of what I see when searching this error with other rust codebases is to try uninstalling/reinstalling/updating rust

additionally you can try installing the build dependencies mentioned in the error and retry