Error when creating mainnet rpc node, prompt:{ location_constraint: Some(UsWest1), location: None, bucket: None } Error: Backend Error: dispatch failure

2024-12-18T11:05:22.594216Z INFO syncador::backend::s3::bucket_connection: Creating bucket mainnet-l-sync-bucket-sync
2024-12-18T11:05:22.594236Z INFO syncador::backend::s3::bucket_connection: Creating bucket with configuration CreateBucketConfiguration { location_constraint: Some(UsWest1), location: None, bucket: None }
Error: Backend Error: dispatch failure

Caused by:
0: dispatch failure
1: other
2: the credential provider was not enabled
3: no providers in chain provided credentials

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You may need to add additional variables for the AWS SDK to properly authenticate. If you are running into server errors please add additional variables to the movement-full-follower.service.j2 file:

    aws_access_key_id: "{{ aws_access_key_id }}"
    aws_secret_access_key: "{{ aws_secret_access_key }}"

This is used to authenticate and you wouldn’t need to attach any specific permissions

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I don’t understand why the key related to AWS is configured. My server is not running on AWS.

It is used to authenticate with our aws services - you can use any credentials with no permissions or most cloud providers like Google Cloud can also provide aws credentials

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